Saturday, October 18, 2014

Letters from Japan

I brought a list of address that I hastily threw together in a word doc just before I departed for Japan this year. Last year I wrote to my sister and my daughter, and that only because I asked them for addresses electronically!

Most of my messages travel electronically, not air mail, but I love to sit and ponder things I’d like to put in a letter or on a post card to my friends and family so far away.

It wasn’t too long ago that letter writing or a postcard was the only way to communicate while traveling, but with wifi prevalent where ever you go, all you need is a remote router and you’re in business.

My students are all in business, wifi business I should say, while I’m still writing post cards! I have wifi, but only if I’m on campus. Every one of the student apartments has pitched in to rent a remote router. I will have that little enterprise figured out in the next week or two, but next year, I’ll have a remote router by the time I leave Narita Airport!

I will still bring my list of addresses, though, and next year, the list will be even longer. It’s week four, and I’ve already written to everyone, and some people twice!

It’s not like I don’t have anything to do over here, but in the evenings when the crickets are chirping and the sun is setting, I like to think of my family and friends in the US. I imagine what they’ll think when they get the post card, and if they’ll notice how beautiful the stamp is this year?

Is letter writing a dying art? I hope not!

Here’s a haiku that I wrote to end a couple of the post cards with (yes, I reuse my haiku!).

The golden sun rose,
blue sky peeking through soft, white
clouds, as I ambled.



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