Monday, October 13, 2014

Typhoon Blues: Blue Skies That is! Te, he!

I don’t want to jinx our good luck so far with typhoons, but lucky is what we have been. We’ve had some high winds, but no damage to property or person from the two typhoons we’ve experienced this year. We’ve had intense rainfall, but no serious flooding. Knock on wood!

We prepared for Typhoon number two, Vongfong, and all the reports had me a bit nervous. Super-storm does not incite a sense of overall well-being in a faculty member responsible for fourteen students in a study abroad program who are eager to explore and have no sense of their own mortality (or so it seems to me, but what do I know. I’m old!)!

I’m sure the students have no intentions of putting themselves in peril, and they have been good about staying indoors and close to home when the typhoons are predicted to hit.

My visions come from an overactive imagination and the fact that I am a mother, and if it were my children, I’d worry about them too!  In my imagination, I see students stuck in Tokyo once the trains have been canceled due to flooding, and my visions deteriorate from there. It’s nerve wracking!

I’m waiting now for students to check in after last night’s typhoon (nicknamed “the wasp”) blew through with little adverse effect. I breathed a sigh of relief to open my curtains to blue sky this morning. The temperatures were in the low 60s yesterday and will reach near 80 today. What a difference a day makes.

I promised photos of this typhoon, but the highest winds came in the wee hours of the night, and I actually slept through them! The impressive rains came after dark, so I missed them too, thinking the storm would rage until eight or nine this morning, at the very least. I did take after-typhoon photos, but it’s just not the same, I know!

I’ll try again next time, but I truly hope there is not “a next time.” J

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