Saturday, October 11, 2014

Typhoon Vongfong

People around the world react to weather events in different ways.

In the Pacific Northwest, if the weather forecast calls for a snow storm, people rush to the stores to stock up on water, food, batteries, flashlights. They rush to Les Schwab for snow tires. There are long lines at the cash registers. Lowe’s runs out of generators.

In Japan, they’ve forecast another typhoon, Vongfong or "the wasp." The first typhoon we experienced was Phanfone We advised the students to stock up on food and to close their storm screens. I went to the store to stock up on food, too, and there I saw all the usual folks meandering the aisles. No one rushed to buy water or batteries. The tone was calm. It was just another day.

I could see this same event playing out in my hometown in the states. Cars on the road racing to the store for last minute supplies, scrambling to the garage to make sure the generator starts, checking the candle supply, and making sure there are matches.

Phone calls would be made.
            “Any sign of the storm out your way?”
            “Not yet. You?”
            “No, and good thing too. Dad’s at the store picking up more batteries and getting gas for the generator.”
            “We got back with pizza in case the power goes out.”
And so on, and so forth.

It’s exciting, this preparation for natural events that are out of our control. We can’t really predict with certain accuracy the exact moment a storm will arrive, or how strong it will be, or if people will get hurt, hopefully not.

We’re waiting for Vongfong, a typhoon that is moving its way up Japan from the south as I write this. It’s been cloudy all day, and it is a bit cooler today. The storm should arrive sometime Monday, but today is Sunday, and Kogakuin has a festival to host.

Tomorrow (Monday, October 13th) is the KU sports festival. The plan is to meet and proceed as planned, but if the weather deteriorates, we will had to the safety of our apartments.

No one will rush, no one will panic. It will be just another typhoon, and just other day in Japan. :)

p.s. I will try to get some photos of this typhoon. I can't see much from my apartments, but I'll see what I can do. :)

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